Quantex Oil
and Gas limited

is a full-service indigenous energy company operating in the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector.

We are a marketing and distribution company and we help develop high quality product and derivatives for the downstream retail consumer market. We also distribute and represent our local and international partners in emerging markets across sub-Saharan Africa.

Our primary focus is to deliver world class quality products and a value optimized price for the final consumer. Our products are highly competitive in both pricing and quality

Our Brief History

Quantex Oil and Gas Limited was incorporated in October 2011 and has since then commenced intensive operations in service delivery within the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector.

We understand the need for a company with full local content and indigenous delivering high-value quality driven products and services for the downstream Oil & Gas sector.

This has been at the centre of our operational footprint in the sector and has driven us to partnerships with leading Oil Companies and energy trading companies in the value chain such as MRS and Bestaf Trading Company Limited. We are on the verge of lunching two unique brands into the Nigerian market as a marquee statement of promoting and exporting local content that matches and exceeds global standards